Introduction of Dual Vocational Education and Training in Mexico
Secure Employment through High-Quality Training
With our AEDual project, we are supporting the Mexican government in introducing a dual vocational education and training system of outstanding quality. This increases the competitiveness of companies and increases the employability of young people in particular. In this way, we make a decisive contribution to the sustainable creation of safe working conditions in Mexico.

Working in the Informal Sector prevents Opportunities for Development
According to the World Bank, Mexico is now one of the upper-middle-income countries and is no longer considered a developing country but an emerging one. However, as an attractive business location for companies worldwide with an unemployment rate of less than 4%, Mexico’s population suffers from extreme social differences. 40% of the people live in poverty. More than half of them work in the informal sector, without social security. This applies in particular to employees in the service sector and professions that do not require a degree. This is where AFOS comes in with its project work.
Potential in Strengthening Training Occupations
In order to enable all people in Mexico to participate in the economic upswing, it is crucial to promote local potential. In the search for sustainable solutions, interest in the German model of dual vocational education and training grew. This offers young trainees in particular not only high-quality qualification, but also a qualification tailored to the needs of the companies.

What we have already achieved:
- November 2021: Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the AFOS Foundation and the local partners of the project to formalize the “Central-Bajio-West Business Alliance for Dual Education”
- State /Economic Councils for Dual Education have been formed in each state of the Central Bajio-West region, working regularly and on a documented basis with four working groups in each council: (1) Market Analysis and Growth, (2) Quality, (3) Academic, (4) Economics
- In each state, minimum standards and guidelines for dual training have been developed and established, taking into account national and regional legislation and structure
- AEDual has initiated the development and implementation of a fully online dual modular training platform
- A business intelligence platform was created to capture and document the demand for higher education and dual training of companies in real time
How AFOS is helping to Establish Dual Vocational Training in Mexico:
- We activate and formalize an entrepreneurial alliance between companies, business associations, political institutions and educational institutions that promotes and supports dual education and training for excellence in the Centro-Bajío-West region.
- Depending on business needs, we develop suitable and high-quality dual training programs. If training programs are already in place, they will be adjusted if necessary.
- We enable a large number of young trainees and companies to enter the newly established dual vocational training system.
- With the help of the experience gained in our model region Centro-Bajío-West, we want to transfer our project approach to the region of the Pacto Oaxaca. In this way, we provide access to dual vocational training for other regions of Mexico.

Our Partner Organizations in Mexico
The Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX) is a voluntary business organization that seeks representation in the workplace and in society. Its numerous member companies across the country accounted for around 5 million formal jobs in 2022. Coparmex Zona Metropolitana de León and Coparmex Querétaro are among our main partner organizations in Mexico, along with Industriales Jalisco.