Header Colombia

AFOS in Colombia: "Alianza para la Formación"

Digitization and Tourism

Counteracting youth unemployment through qualifications

Within the framework of our project “Alianza para la Formacion”, we act in close cooperation with the competent Colombian authorities. Together with training institutions, companies and trade associations, we are working on the expansion of dual training and qualification opportunities.

With attractive, accessible and sustainable education and training opportunities in the fields of digitalisation and tourism, we are making a sustainable contribution to reducing youth unemployment in Colombia.

AFOS in Colombia

Reactivating the Economy – a Necessity

In 2021, youth unemployment rose above 25%. At-risk groups such as youth, women and ethnic minorities suffer the most from the economic impact of the Corona pandemic.

On the political side, there is a need for reactivation measures of the economy. In addition, a deficit in youth employment programmes was identified (read more here). The Colombian labour market consists of 95% small and medium-sized enterprises. This is where we at AFOS in Colombia come in with our project work.

Education partnerships (BBP) for qualified training

The Colombian Ministry of Education sees the qualified training of young Colombians as a central solution. A great need for training and qualification opportunities was identified primarily in the two sectors of digitization and tourism. The tourism industry in particular suffered a deep slump as a result of the pandemic.

What AFOS has already achieved in Colombia

  • 80 young people participate in our programmes
  • 20 companies have introduced dual training in their companies
  • 60 employers from the companies of the project partners were trained in “train the trainer” seminars
  • 4 academic offerings have been implemented to meet the needs of our focus sectors on the ground

How AFOS is working in Colombia to reduce youth unemployment:

  • We support our project partners in the (further) development and implementation of needs-based dual vocational training.
  • We develop measures and offers that support graduates of dual vocational education and training in their transition to the labour market.
  • We support our partners in promoting dual vocational education and training in their networks and expand it further if necessary.

AFOS’ partner organisations in Colombia:

  • Die Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia (Handelskammer Medellín für die Region Antioquia) in Kolumbien ist eine führende Einrichtung in der Region, die sich auf Unternehmensdienstleistungen konzentriert.
  • The Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) ( National Training Service) is a national public institution with legal status, independent capital structure and administrative autonomy, subordinate to the Colombian Ministry of Labor.
  • The German-Colombian Chamber of Commerce and Industry focuses on business services, such as institutional registry, the development of projects aimed at the formalization, modernization and competitiveness of entrepreneurs, and the change towards the simplification and virtuality of services.


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