AFOS and Querétaro Energy Cluster sign Memorandum of Agreement
On April 17, 2023, we were able to celebrate the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the AFOS Foundation and the Querétaro Energy Cluster in Hanover. Patrice Rimond, representative of the energy cluster, signed the declaration with the support and honorary witnesses Alejandro Preinfalk and Marco Cosío of Siemens.

The development of innovative, high-quality and relevant talent is a fundamental element for competitiveness in the expansion of dual training in Mexico. Fostering talents who respond to Querétaro’s current socio-economic needs and have the ability to meet the demands of both national and global markets is one of the strategic priorities of our AEDual project.
Exchange on the continuous Improvement of Dual Education Opportunities in Mexico
In addition, the meeting of the Academic and Quality Committee of the State Council for Dual Higher Education was held in the spring. In addition to the presentation of the progress of Aguascalientes, a workshop with dual students and graduates of the dual university model took place at the end of the session, where we collected ideas for improvements and strengths of the project.

With the participation of Noelia Caro, Director of Industriales Jalisco, Irma Leal, Rector of CUCLUTAJO – Centro Universitario de Tlajomulco, German Bonilla Bermudez, AEdual Project Manager, Alfred Vormfelde, Advisor to the AFOS Foundation, as well as representatives of the UNID Campus Guadalajara and sequa gGmbH, the working group “Academy – Quality” was able to exchange views on progress in the dual professions of CUTLAJO and UNID. We are convinced that with Industriales Jalisco, a solid basis for the economic and social development of Jalisco can be created, which in turn creates more and better opportunities for the local people.
Meeting of the Plenary Session of the Economic Committee on Dual Training in Queretano
On 21 March, the plenary session of the Economic Committee on Dual Training met in Queretaro, chaired by Jorge Luis Camacho Ortega, President of COPARMEX Queretaro, and Carlos Antonio Contreras Lopez, State Commissioner for Higher Education, on behalf of SEDEQ.

The event was attended by the presidents of the main economic clusters and associations of the state, the rectors and operational liaison officers of the ten universities that make up the network of dual universities of Queretaro. The State Coordinator for Higher Education, Orfelinda Torres, representatives of the subsystems of higher education and the Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Queretaro, Thomas Wagner, as well as other personalities and special guests also participated.
Beate Heimberger accompanied our Mexican team together with a German delegation. It is responsible for evaluating the results and effects of this bilateral Mexican-German cooperation project. This triple helix project aims to establish and strengthen dual training in Queretaro.
About AEDual and the Expansion of Dual Training in Mexico
With AEDual, we are supporting the Mexican government in introducing a dual vocational education and training system of outstanding quality . This increases the competitiveness of companies and increases the employability of young people in particular. In this way, we make a decisive contribution to the sustainable creation of safe working conditions in Mexico.
The Business Alliance for the Expansion of Dual Training in Mexico (ÆDUAL ) is made up of the AFOS Foundation for Entrepreneurial Development Cooperation, COPARMEX Aguascalientes, COPARMEX Zona Metropolitana de León, COPARMEX Querétaro and the Council of Chambers of Industry of Jalisco (CCIJ) on behalf of CONCAMIN. ÆDUAL collaborates with the Triple Helix (Industry-Academy-State Governments) of the states of Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Querétaro.